1500 S. Bryan Rd. Mission, TX 78572
(956) 580-3100

CoolSculpting Elite In the RGV

Coolsculpting is a noninvasive, nonsurgical medical treatment designed to remove stubborn fat cells.
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What is Coolsculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is an advanced non-surgical body contouring procedure designed to reduce stubborn fat pockets. It uses a technique called cryolipolysis, which selectively targets and freezes fat cells, causing them to be naturally eliminated from the body over time.

CoolSculpting Elite builds upon the original CoolSculpting technology by offering improved applicators and enhanced cooling technology, allowing for more precise and efficient treatment. It is a popular option for individuals seeking to shape their body without the need for surgery or downtime.


Coolsculpting Form

What is the difference between coolsculpting and Coolsculpting elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is an upgraded version of the original CoolSculpting technology. While both treatments utilize cryolipolysis to reduce fat, there are a few key differences:

1. Applicators

CoolSculpting Elite introduces new applicators with an enhanced design. These applicators have a larger cooling area and can treat more fat in a single session, allowing for quicker and more efficient treatment.

2. Treatment Areas

CoolSculpting Elite offers a wider range of applicator shapes and sizes, allowing for better customization and treatment of various areas of the body. It can address multiple areas, including the abdomen, flanks, thighs, arms, chin, and more.

3. Enhanced Cooling Technology

CoolSculpting Elite incorporates enhanced cooling technology, ensuring more consistent and controlled cooling during the treatment. This can result in improved patient comfort and better outcomes.

Overall, CoolSculpting Elite offers advancements in applicator design, treatment options, and cooling technology, making it a more advanced and versatile option for non-surgical body contouring compared to the original CoolSculpting treatment.

The cost of CoolSculpting Elite can vary depending on several factors, including the geographic location, the number of treatment areas, the specific applicators used, and the individual clinic’s pricing structure. Generally, CoolSculpting Elite treatments can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars per session. It’s best to consult with a reputable CoolSculpting provider in your area for a personalized consultation and accurate pricing information based on your specific needs and goals.

During your CoolSculpting Elite treatment, you can expect the following steps:

  1. Consultation: You’ll have an initial consultation with a CoolSculpting provider to discuss your goals, assess your suitability for the treatment, and determine the treatment areas.
  2. Preparation: The treatment area will be prepared, which may involve marking the target areas and applying a gel pad to protect the skin.
  3. Applicator Placement: The CoolSculpting Elite applicator will be positioned on the targeted area, gently drawing the fatty tissue into the applicator for treatment.
  4. Cooling and Treatment: The applicator will deliver controlled cooling to the fat cells, causing them to freeze. You may feel intense cold initially, but this sensation typically subsides within a few minutes as the area becomes numb.
  5. Treatment Duration: Each treatment cycle typically lasts around 35-75 minutes, depending on the applicator and treatment area. Multiple cycles may be required to cover all desired areas.
  6. Comfort During Treatment: You can relax, read, use your phone, or watch TV during the procedure. Some patients experience mild pulling, tugging, or tingling sensations, but these are generally well-tolerated.
  7. Post-Treatment: Once the applicators are removed, the treated area will be massaged briefly to help break up frozen fat cells. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the treatment without any significant downtime.

Over the following weeks and months, your body will naturally eliminate the treated fat cells. It’s important to note that results are not immediate and can take several weeks to become noticeable. Multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve your desired outcome, and your provider will guide you on the appropriate treatment plan for your goals.

Remember to consult with a qualified CoolSculpting provider who can assess your specific needs and provide personalized guidance throughout the treatment process.

How does Coolsculpting Elite work?

Using Crylipolysis, also known as fat freezing, Coolsculpting will destroy fat cells in the targeted area.

Where areas can I treat with Coolsculpting Elite?

There are 9 areas that Coolsculpting Elite has been cleared by the FDA to treat:

  • Under the Jawline
  • Under the Chin
  • Upper Arms
  • Back fat
  • Bra fat
  • Flanks (a.k.a. Love handles)
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs (inner, outer, distal)
  • Under the Buttocks

How long does Coolsculpting Elite take?

With coolsculpting elite, we can treat each area faster than previous models. Each treatment takes 35-40 minutes. We can treat two areas at once. The sessions may last anywhere between 1-3 hours, depending on how many treatments is needed.

CoolSculpting Elite is generally a suitable treatment for individuals who meet certain criteria. Good candidates for CoolSculpting Elite typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  1. Healthy Weight: CoolSculpting Elite is designed to target stubborn fat in individuals who are already close to their ideal body weight or have a stable weight. It is not a weight loss solution for obesity.
  2. Specific Areas of Stubborn Fat: Candidates should have localized areas of stubborn fat that have been resistant to diet and exercise. Common treatment areas include the abdomen, flanks (love handles), thighs, arms, double chin, and bra fat.
  3. Overall Good Health: Candidates should generally be in good overall health without any significant medical conditions that could interfere with the treatment or healing process. It is important to disclose your complete medical history and any medications you are taking to your provider.
  4. Realistic Expectations: It is important for candidates to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of CoolSculpting Elite. While it can produce noticeable fat reduction, it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, and individual results may vary.
  5. Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle: CoolSculpting Elite is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Candidates should be committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle to optimize and maintain their results.

Ultimately, the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting Elite is to consult with a qualified provider. They will assess your individual needs, evaluate your medical history, and discuss your goals to determine if CoolSculpting Elite is a suitable option for you.

While CoolSculpting Elite is generally safe and suitable for many individuals, there are certain factors that may make someone not a good candidate for the treatment. Here are some considerations:

  1. Obesity: CoolSculpting Elite is not intended as a weight loss solution for individuals with obesity. It is designed to target specific areas of stubborn fat in individuals who are already close to their ideal body weight.
  2. Skin Conditions or Sensitivity: If you have certain skin conditions, such as dermatitis or eczema, or if you have areas of compromised skin in the treatment area, CoolSculpting Elite may not be recommended. It’s important to discuss your medical history and any skin concerns with your provider.
  3. Pregnancy or Recent Surgery: CoolSculpting Elite is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the near future. Additionally, if you have had recent surgery in the treatment area, it is best to wait until you have fully healed before considering CoolSculpting Elite.
  4. Cryoglobulinemia or Cold Sensitivity Disorders: If you have conditions that make you extremely sensitive to cold temperatures or if you have cryoglobulinemia (a rare blood disorder), CoolSculpting Elite may not be suitable for you.
  5. Inadequate Fat Thickness: CoolSculpting Elite works by targeting and freezing fat cells. If you have a very thin layer of fat in the treatment area, it may be challenging to effectively treat with the procedure.

It’s essential to have a consultation with a qualified CoolSculpting provider who can evaluate your specific circumstances, medical history, and goals to determine if CoolSculpting Elite is a suitable treatment option for you. They will be able to provide personalized advice based on your individual needs.

We recommend that our patients at least have two sessions to reach their body contouring goals. Depending on the number of treatments though, more than two sessions may be required?

The cost of CoolSculpting Elite can vary depending on several factors, including the geographic location, the number of treatment areas, the specific applicators used, and the individual clinic’s pricing structure. Generally, CoolSculpting Elite treatments can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars per session. It’s best to consult with a reputable CoolSculpting provider in your area for a personalized consultation and accurate pricing information based on your specific needs and goals.

During your CoolSculpting Elite treatment, you can expect the following steps:

  1. Consultation: You’ll have an initial consultation with a CoolSculpting provider to discuss your goals, assess your suitability for the treatment, and determine the treatment areas.
  2. Preparation: The treatment area will be prepared, which may involve marking the target areas and applying a gel pad to protect the skin.
  3. Applicator Placement: The CoolSculpting Elite applicator will be positioned on the targeted area, gently drawing the fatty tissue into the applicator for treatment.
  4. Cooling and Treatment: The applicator will deliver controlled cooling to the fat cells, causing them to freeze. You may feel intense cold initially, but this sensation typically subsides within a few minutes as the area becomes numb.
  5. Treatment Duration: Each treatment cycle typically lasts around 35-75 minutes, depending on the applicator and treatment area. Multiple cycles may be required to cover all desired areas.
  6. Comfort During Treatment: You can relax, read, use your phone, or watch TV during the procedure. Some patients experience mild pulling, tugging, or tingling sensations, but these are generally well-tolerated.
  7. Post-Treatment: Once the applicators are removed, the treated area will be massaged briefly to help break up frozen fat cells. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the treatment without any significant downtime.

Over the following weeks and months, your body will naturally eliminate the treated fat cells. It’s important to note that results are not immediate and can take several weeks to become noticeable. Multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve your desired outcome, and your provider will guide you on the appropriate treatment plan for your goals.

Remember to consult with a qualified CoolSculpting provider who can assess your specific needs and provide personalized guidance throughout the treatment process.

During a CoolSculpting Elite treatment, you may experience some discomfort or sensations, but it is generally well-tolerated by most patients. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Cold Sensation: Initially, you may feel intense cold in the treatment area as the cooling process begins. However, this sensation typically subsides within a few minutes as the area becomes numb.
  2. Pulling or Tugging: As the applicator draws in the targeted tissue, you may feel a mild pulling or tugging sensation. It is important to communicate with your provider if you experience any discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Temporary Numbness: The cooling process can cause temporary numbness in the treated area, which usually resolves on its own over time.
  4. Post-Treatment Sensations: After the treatment, you may experience temporary redness, swelling, bruising, tingling, or soreness in the treated area. These sensations are normal and tend to resolve within a few days or weeks.

While individual experiences may vary, CoolSculpting Elite is designed to be a comfortable procedure overall. If you have any concerns or specific questions about pain management, it is best to consult with your CoolSculpting provider, who can address your unique needs and provide any necessary measures to ensure your comfort during the treatment.

The fat cells are frozen immediately with Coolsculpting Elite. Weeks after the treat, your body works to slowly father and remove those dead cells from the body. The overall cycle of this procedure process can take up to 90 days. As with any body contouring treatment, results will vary by person.

After your CoolSculpting Elite session, your provider will provide you with specific post-treatment instructions, but here are some general guidelines to expect:

  1. Massage the treated area: Your provider may recommend massaging the treated area for a few minutes immediately after the procedure. This can help enhance the fat reduction process and improve results.
  2. Temporary side effects: You may experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising, tingling, or numbness in the treated area. These effects are usually mild and subside on their own within a few days or weeks.
  3. Resume normal activities: CoolSculpting Elite is a non-invasive treatment, so there is no significant downtime. You can typically return to your regular activities immediately after the session.
  4. Stay hydrated: It is important to drink plenty of water and stay properly hydrated following the treatment.
  5. Follow a healthy lifestyle: CoolSculpting Elite is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Maintain a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise, and follow your provider’s recommendations for maintaining your results.
  6. Patience for results: Results from CoolSculpting Elite develop gradually as your body eliminates the treated fat cells. It may take several weeks or months to see the full effects. Be patient and follow up with your provider for any concerns or follow-up treatments as needed.

Remember, these guidelines are general, and it’s crucial to follow the specific instructions given by your CoolSculpting provider. They will provide you with personalized guidance based on your individual treatment plan and goals.

Stubborn fat refers to fat deposits in certain areas of the body that are resistant to diet and exercise. These pockets of fat tend to be more challenging to reduce or eliminate through traditional weight loss methods. Individuals may have different areas where they struggle with stubborn fat, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, love handles, or upper arms.

Stubborn fat can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, age, and lifestyle habits. It often persists even when an individual is at a relatively healthy weight or follows a consistent exercise routine and balanced diet.

Non-surgical procedures like CoolSculpting Elite are specifically designed to target and reduce stubborn fat by freezing the fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated from the body. These treatments can help contour the body and address localized areas of fat that are resistant to traditional weight loss methods.

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that uses controlled cooling to target and reduce stubborn fat cells in specific areas of the body. The term “cryolipolysis” is derived from the Greek words “cryo” (meaning cold), “lipo” (meaning fat), and “lysis” (meaning breakdown).During cryolipolysis, a device is applied to the targeted area, which then delivers controlled cooling to the underlying fat cells without harming the surrounding skin, muscles, or other tissues. The cold temperature selectively freezes the fat cells, causing them to undergo a natural cell death process called apoptosis.

Following cryolipolysis, the frozen fat cells gradually undergo a process called lipolysis, during which the body’s immune system gradually eliminates the treated fat cells over several weeks to months. The result is a reduction in the thickness of the fat layer in the treated area.

Cryolipolysis is the underlying technology behind treatments like CoolSculpting Elite, which specifically utilizes this cooling technique to reduce targeted areas of stubborn fat. It has gained popularity as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction, offering a way to contour the body without the need for incisions or anesthesia.

Before & After

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With coolsculpting elite, we can treat each area faster than previous models. Each treatment takes 35-40 minutes. We can treat two areas at once. The sessions may last anywhere between 1-3 hours, depending on how many treatments is needed.

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